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  1. Single Woman Quotes
  2. Single Woman

Posted: 1/25/2007 3:31:24 PM LMAO! Good lord don't go by that! I only have 6 fav's. I'm new thats my excuse 4 are women.

2 are male friends. FRIENDS So don't go by the fav lists! Now i have to admit,,,,, if i see a guy with lots of fav's. And no roses left. Then i Figure he has one or more people he is seriously chatting up. Unlike women, most women wouldn't sent it to the same sex, just because they are a good friend. But as for the ratio, its a great question, would be interesting to find out for sure.

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Posted: 1/25/2007 3:49:48 PM Worldwide? Couldn't say. Could care less, really. I suspect the number of guys who have added any given woman to their favourites list and have actually exchanged more than a couple of emails with her is probably one in ten or more. I think I see what you're getting at, though.

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Single Woman Quotes

Single woman, charlotte michigan. Noticing that a woman you're interested in contacting is already on tens or hundreds of favourites lists does tend to give the impression that it's futile to bother contacting her, because her time is likely already monopolized by replying to all of her supposed suitors and stalkers and whom ever else. Judging by the favourites lists numbers, the apparent level of competition in piquing her interest seems rather daunting.

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However, it's more likely that she simply hasn't removed herself from anyone's favourites list since joining, for what ever reason. If she's on, say, a couple of hundred lists and is still active on this site, you're probably safe in guessing that she hasn't found what she's looking for yet - unless she's using this site to collect online penpals. Best places for a single woman to retire overseas. I normally go a different route, using the link in the matches page that shows those who haven't received an email in the last twenty-four hours. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover whose profile appears on there, regardless of how many favourites lists they're on. Posted: 1/25/2007 4:16:31 PM I have no idea what the ratios are, but I do know that regardless of how you change your search parameters, etc.(within reason), more or less the same collection of profiles keep popping up.